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Nutritional therapy is a science-based approach to health and wellness that focuses on the interplay between food, lifestyle, and health. Its methods build on the understanding that the foods and nutrients we consume are integral to the structure and function of our bodies and that our dietary choices significantly influence our health at every life stage. 

The nutritional therapy approach acknowledges each individual's unique health profile as a dynamic entity that's shaped by our genetic predispositions, dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and the types of stresses we've been exposed to, in our physical, emotional and social environment from conception onward. By considering these factors, a nutritional therapist can develop personalised dietary and lifestyle recommendations aimed at supporting both immediate health concerns and long-term wellbeing.

What does a Nutritional Therapist do?

A nutritional therapist aims to contextualise your unique health concerns and goals by evaluating various factors that could influence them, such as dietary imbalances, allergies, genetic factors, medications and medical conditions, or lifestyle habits.


This comprehensive, whole person-centred assessment allows for a deeper understanding that views each symptom and concern not in isolation by as signals within the body. The perspective this reframing provides helps us to consider how interconnected bodily systems and lifestyle factors may impact overall health.

Nutritional therapists have a strong foundation in nutrition science and human physiology. We use this knowledge and our communication skills to build trusting, empathetic relationships with our clients. This supportive environment allows us to thoroughly understand their personal and family health histories, assess current dietary patterns, and conduct essential laboratory tests to identify health-supporting and detrimental factors.

Personalised Nutrition

General nutrition guidelines are designed to address public health broadly, but their one-size-fits-all approach may not suit everyone, especially those with unique health situations that require closer attention to nutritional details. Nutritional therapy bridges this gap by focusing on the specifics that determine the personalised care each individual needs.

What Determines Personalised Nutrition Requirements?

How your genes can affect your health and response to different nutrients.

Nutrient Needs

Specific nutrient needs and how effectively your body processes these.

Relationship with Food

Habits, preferences, and cultural, social, emotional or ethical considerations.

Health information from markers in your blood, urine, stool or saliva.

Functional Systems

How body systems, like immune and digestive, interact and impact health.

The balance of bacteria in your gut, and how you digest and absorb food.

Medical History

Assessing health history, procedures diagnoses and treatments.

Environment Based Stress 

How allergies, pollution, and other environmental factors affect your health.

Lifestyle Behaviours

Impact of sleep, physical activity, stress, and coping strategies on health. 

How Personalisation Works

The nutritional therapy process is designed to gather the information required to build a detailed understanding of personal and family health history, nutrition and lifestyle habits over time, and personal factors that could affect your ability to make changes, like motivation and practical constraints. As a nutritional therapist, my role is to analyse everything and use these insights to create a strategy for the nutrition and lifestyle changes that need to be made, and how these should be implemented in the short and longer time to create a plan that is not only realistic and safe, but also specifically designed for your requirements and goals.  

Personalised Nutrition Plan

Personalised nutrition plans are intended to reflect your immediate needs and priorities, based on the most current and relevant information about you. Unlike generic or one-time plans, nutritional therapy recommendations evolve as your needs or preferences change.

Components of a Personalised Nutrition Plan

  • Targeted nutrition: Dietary adjustments are carefully designed to address nutritional requirements and support individual goals. Eating patterns, meal composition or timing, incorporating and substituting specific foods beneficial for you.

  • Strategic supplementation: If necessary, supplements to meet increased nutrient requirements or to enhance specific bodily functions may be suggested.

  • Lifestyle optimisation: Practical guidance on improving sleep quality, reducing stress, increasing physical activity, and modifying other lifestyle habits that have a direct impact on your health.

  • Testing and Information: When appropriate, additional testing or referrals through your GP or private laboratories may be suggested. A food-activity-symptom diary is often recommended to track subtle patterns or the impact of dietary changes. 

Synergy in Dietary Changes

Nutrition is powerful, but it is not like medicine. Every individual change you make will contribute to the benefits you experience, but each component of the plan works synergistically, not independently. It's the combined effect of these changes over time that contributes to overall health improvement.

Gradual Implementation

To prevent overwhelm, a nutritional therapy plan is typically introduced progressively. This phased approach allows for smoother physical and psychological adaptation to new habits and routines. The plan's complexity can be adjusted based on how easily an individual can integrate and sustain these changes, supporting long-term health rather than quick fixes that fade once initial willpower dwindles.

Ongoing Support Process

Nutritional therapy is a gradual, ongoing, and dynamic tailoring process, rather than a quick fix for health issues or athletic performance. While some aspects of a nutrition plan may show quick results, the overall success typically becomes evident over time as benefits accumulate and detrimental factors subside. The time to see results varies depending on your health conditions, goals, the specifics of the recommended plan, and commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes. Some may notice improvements within weeks, while others might need months of guided support

Structured Consultations

Each consultation is part of a structured, iterative process. This may include a series of targeted 'mini-experiments' designed to refine your nutritional plan. These experiments help determine which aspects of your plan are essential, which are conditionally important, and which might be temporary but supportive of your wellbeing.

Advanced Testing and Plan Refinement

The information we learn through these dietary experiments may work alongside, inform, or be suggested in response to laboratory tests. This may include more common tests a doctor may use to diagnose, exclude or monitor conditions, but can also include advanced testing that give more detailed insight into the specific areas of your plan that need more focused support. We will continue to refine your plan based on your progress, challenges, and new insights about your body, to ensure that recommendations remain relevant to your evolving health needs.

Importance of Regular Support

Regular follow-up sessions are vital to assessing the impact of the nutrition plan and making necessary adjustments. These sessions enable nutritional therapists to: 


  • Identify Patterns: We monitor how different foods, activities, and stress levels affect you to identify beneficial and detrimental patterns.

  • Refine the Plan: Based on your feedback and our observations, we make targeted changes to enhance the plan's effectiveness.

  • Build Understanding: We explain the reasoning behind each recommendation to keep you informed and motivated.

  • Offer Support: Part of our role is to help you manage challenges like emotional eating and habit changes, which are essential for lasting health improvements.


This ongoing support helps deepen understanding of how your choices influence your health, empowering you to make informed decisions that affect long-term wellbeing.

Special Considerations in Nutritional Therapy

People seek out nutritional therapy for many different reasons. Often this is due to long-term health concerns such as low energy, fatigue, mental health issues like depression and anxiety, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions, weight management difficulties, and more. Nutritional therapy is not limited to addressing specific ailments; it can also support people at various life stages with different circumstances including:

  • Sports Performance: Athletes or active individuals may benefit from nutritional therapy to optimise energy levels, enhance recovery, and improve overall athletic performance. Tailored nutrition plans can support training regimes by focusing on hydration, energy management, and injury prevention. An advantage over traditional sports nutrition plans is consideration of personal health concerns and holistic factors like genetics, food sensitivities, and gut health.

  • Children's Nutrition: As children grow, their nutritional needs change. Nutritional therapy can help parents understand and manage these needs, from infancy through adolescence. Whether it's advice on weaning, ensuring a balanced diet for school-aged children, or managing dietary preferences and allergies, a nutritional therapist can provide guidance adapted to each child's developmental stage.

  • Nutrition for Chronic Conditions and Allergies: For individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies, nutritional therapy can help people identify beneficial and aggravating factors that influence symptoms, blood or other biomarkers, and overall quality of life. 

  • Reproductive Health: Nutritional needs can change during key life stages such as pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. For those trying to conceive, or those undergoing hormonal changes, personalised dietary recommendations can be a useful complement to supporting hormonal balance and reproductive health.

  • Maximising Health Potential: Personal health potential is influenced by genetics and past stressors but isn't fixed. Making informed choices about how we care for our body and mind can significantly enhance physical and mental wellbeing. Proactively and preventively offsetting risks beyond our control by increasing the number of protective factors that are modifiable, helps to maximise individual health potential and agency.  

  • Longevity, Aging and Vitality: As we live longer, interest in how nutrition and lifestyle affect aging increases, which inspires more people to consider not just overall longevity but how they want to age, and what they can do to maintain physical vitality and mental acuity and influence the how visible signs of aging develop through personalised dietary and lifestyle changes.

  • Optimising Energy and Performance: Nutritional choices directly impact your ability to perform both physically and cognitively. Optimising your nutrition supports our daily energy levels and resilience to stress and illness, and provides the build blocks necessary for growth, repair and proper functioning, which is vital for thriving in a demanding and fast-paced environment.

Nutritional Therapy Benefits

The benefits of engaging with a nutritional therapist include:

  • Personalised Care: Every session is tailored to the individual’s unique health needs, dietary preferences, and lifestyle, allowing for a more effective and enjoyable path to better health.

  • Empowerment and Education: Clients receive education on how various foods and lifestyle choices affect their health, empowering them to make informed decisions.

  • Encouragement, Accountability and Motivational Support: Nutritional therapists work as partners in their clients' health journeys, providing not just diet plans but also motivation and emotional support.

  • Improved Health and Wellbeing: The changes that clients make to their food and lifestyle habits are designed to help people improve aspects of their health and wellbeing that are most important to them.

Safe Nutritional Therapy

Professional Standards and Safety

Nutritional therapists registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) are required to meet the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) educational and clinical practice standards. These standards ensure that therapists provide appropriate care, especially to clients with health conditions, and maintain professionalism by working within their scope of practice and referring clients to specialists when needed. Additionally, therapists must commit to continuous professional development to remain registered each year, ensuring their practices are informed by the latest research and evidence-based care.

How Clients Influence Safety

Successful nutritional therapy depends on active client participation. Unlike traditional medical teams, nutritional therapists do not have direct access to clients' medical records and rely on clients to provide accurate, up-to-date health information. This includes changes in medical conditions,  investigations, referrals, treatments, and lifestyle habits such as smoking, exercise, and diet.

It's important that clients communicate openly with all of their healthcare providers about any use of supplements, over-the-counter products, recreational, topical and non-medical substances. These can impact medical conditions, tests, and treatments. For example, some supplements may need to be paused before lab tests to avoid skewing results, and others could heighten the risk of complications if taken near the time of surgery or with certain medications. By keeping their nutritional therapist and medical team informed of any changes, clients help ensure the safety of the care they receive. 

Nutritional Therapy Practice Development

The hallmark of professional competency in nutritional therapy is the ability to apply detailed knowledge precisely, accurately, and efficiently in complex, individualised circumstances. There are necessary foundational working competencies that must be demonstrated in order to qualify and ensure safe, effective early-years professional practice. As with many professions, competency is a continuum, advancing through the experiences in working life that provide opportunities to test, stretch and deepen understanding, and apply learning to solve real-world challenges. The number of years in practice can certainly help, but time alone is not enough to develop competence in nutritional therapy practice.


Several factors contribute to the development and maintenance of this competence:

  1. Extensive practical experience: Hands-on work with a diverse range of clients allows therapists to hone their skills in gathering information, analysing health histories, and use creative, critical thinking to understand and resolve atypical and challenging situations that make a personalised nutrition plans effective and achievable to follow.

    • From the beginning of my 15 year career as a practicing nutritional therapist, I have worked with a wide variety of cases, including people dealing with serious mental health conditions and drug addictions, and many complex cases that required careful consideration of unique individual circumstances and adaptation of recommendations based on evolving needs.

    • This practical experience has been essential in deepening my understanding of how to tailor recommendations to each client's specific needs, as their circumstances are often unique and dynamic, requiring a level of flexibility and problem-solving that goes beyond textbook knowledge.

  2. Continuous learning: Staying current with the latest research and engaging in critical analysis of evidence is essential for providing up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations.

    • In addition to reading research directly for my own clients and learning, I contribute to communicating findings from meta-studies that analyse the combined evidence about specific health and nutrition topics, as a Cochrane member, volunteering to update Wikipedia entries with the latest Cochrane systematic reviews.

    • I also develop continuing professional development (CPD) courses for other practitioners to help disseminate current evidence-based knowledge. These activities not only keep me informed but also allow me to contribute to the broader dissemination of reliable nutrition information.

    • Furthermore, I pursued post-graduate education by studying on the first UK master's level program in personalised nutrition as part of its first cohort of students, to advance my learning.

    • When high-quality research syntheses are not available on a topic, I may conduct a meta-analysis independently to get the answers I need for safer decision-making.

    • This is also something I help other practitioners to do as part of their mentoring independent learning projects to advance their confidence in engaging with evidence-based practice when the answers that are more easily available are unclear.  

  3. Teaching and mentoring: Communicating complex concepts to students and clients, and guiding other practitioners, deepens a therapist's understanding and ability to apply knowledge effectively.

    • For over 7 years, I worked as a senior academic lecturer, teaching nutritional therapy students a range of subjects, from physiology and biochemistry to research methods and nutrition for specific conditions.

    • In my role as a clinical education supervisor, I guided students through live consultations with real clients, often without preparation, explaining my thought process and rationale in real-time.

    • This experience not only deepened my own knowledge through the application of concepts in real-world settings but also required me to articulate my thought process as I worked, making my clinical reasoning more conscious and explicit.

    • Additionally, for over a decade, I have mentored and supervised both recent graduates and experienced practitioners, helping them advance their skills and knowledge, which has further reinforced my own understanding.

  4. Experience problem-solving complex cases: Tackling multifaceted health challenges requires quick thinking, comprehensive knowledge, and the flexible solution-oriented creativity to adapt recommendations based on individual circumstances.

    • Over the years, I have increasingly worked with clients who have multiple, interconnected health issues, often experiencing so many severe reactions to foods and medications that they felt completely overwhelmed.

    • Some of these clients required so many prescription drugs that other practitioners refused to work with them due to the risk of interactions that necessitated highly a intricate, extremely precise and heavily monitored personalised and adaptive approach.

    • These professional experiences honed my ability to think critically, connect seemingly disparate pieces of information, explore directions I'd have never considered, and develop innovative solutions that shaped the way I assess, question, plan, trouble-shoot and support all of my clients today.

  5. Commitment to evidence-based practice: Maintaining objectivity, integrating high-quality research into decision-making, and openly adjusting stances when warranted by new evidence are key to upholding professional integrity.

    • I prioritise staying up-to-date with the latest research, communicating high-quality evidence to practitioners, and critically analysing study limitations to ensure that my practice remains grounded in solid science.

    • When evidence consistently supports a change in approach, I openly communicate this to colleagues, students, and clients, explaining the rationale behind the shift.

    • I also teach courses about evidence-based healthcare, to help practitioners deepen their understanding of how to find, appraise and apply the best evidence available, and to recognise the limits of the conclusions possible and the future clarifications required. 

    • My commitment to evidence-based practice centres not only on ensuring my clinical recommendations are informed by the most comprehensive assessment of existing scientific research, but also that my communication of it to my peers, and their communication helps strengthen and clarify understanding of the scientific method and what is meant by evidence-based healthcare, which are often misrepresented by media and fad-diet culture. 

  6. Maintaining transparency and impartiality: Avoiding conflicts of interest, such as accepting sponsorships, commissions, or paid roles from the food, supplement, or laboratory testing industries, helps maintain objectivity and trust.

    • Throughout my career, I have consistently declined such offers, ensuring that my recommendations and teachings remain unbiased and focused solely on the best available evidence and the needs of my clients.

    • This commitment to transparency and impartiality is essential for maintaining the trust of those I work with and for upholding the integrity of the profession.

  7. Demonstrating competence: Regularly engaging in activities that test and showcase expertise, such as live consultations, case study presentations, or published research, helps ensure that competence is maintained and visible.

    • As a senior clinical supervisor, I spent years conducting live consultations with real clients in front of student audiences, presented case studies and shared research findings.

    • I have continuously engaged in training and mentoring other practitioners for over a decade, all of which require a high level of skill and knowledge as well as the ability to clearly communicate complex information to diverse audiences.

    • These activities reflect my passion and commitment, but also the wealth of knowledge, skills and experience I am continually challenging, testing, refining and sharing to ensure that I am always providing the highest level of care to my clients as I support other practitioners to do the same. 

  8. Flexibility, accessibility, and adaptability: Keeping the client at the center of the therapeutic relationship is crucial for successful outcomes. This involves being flexible and adaptable in one's approach, recognising that clients may struggle with the plan, not achieve expected results, or receive new information (e.g., test results or diagnoses) that challenges the original working assumptions.

    • In such cases, it is essential not to take it personally but rather to use it as a learning opportunity, recognising when additional support, information, or humility is needed.

    • Simplifying the plan, making it realistic, and ensuring that it is easy for the client to understand and apply are key strategies for success. Additionally, being flexible in terms of how sessions are delivered (e.g., online or in-person, pay-as-you-go or packages, upfront payment or payment plans) can make nutritional therapy more accessible to a wider range of clients.

    • In my practice, I offer both in-person consultations via my Harley Street practice at The Hale Clinic, in London, and online appointments via Zoom, with various payment options and packages to accommodate different needs and preferences.

  9. Recognising the need for support: Seeking additional support and guidance when needed is a sign of a competent practitioner.

    • When I ran a service in an addictions clinic, I sought clinical supervision from a psychotherapist to navigate the psychological, motivational, and interpersonal challenges, as well as safeguarding issues that sometimes arose, which were not covered in my nutritional therapy training.

    • This experience highlighted the importance to me of recognising the limits of one's expertise and seeking support from other professionals when working with complex cases.

    • In recognition of the value of ongoing support and guidance, I now provide clinical supervision, mentoring, and educational services to other practitioners to help them develop their skills and knowledge.

  10. Counselling skills and reflective practice: While nutritional therapists are not counsellors, developing basic counselling skills and engaging in reflective practice can greatly enhance one's ability to work effectively with clients.

    • Before working with clients, I completed training in counselling skills, which complemented my nutritional therapy education.

    • Working within an addictions centre further helped me build skills and knowledge around difficulties with willpower, motivation, coping strategies, self-care, and self-esteem issues, which remain relevant in my current practice.

    • Engaging in reflective practice allows me to continuously evaluate and improve my approach, ensuring that I am providing the best possible care to my clients.


It is the consistent application, refinement, and testing of knowledge and skills that truly develop and distinguish a highly competent nutritional therapist, rather than what they conditions they decide to specialise in or the number of years they have been in practice alone. By dedicating themselves to continuous learning, working with complex cases, upholding evidence-based practice, maintaining transparency, demonstrating their expertise, remaining flexible and client-centered, seeking support when needed, and developing counselling skills and reflective practice, therapists can provide the highest level of personalised nutrition support to their clients.

Choosing Nutritional Therapy

If you are exploring ways to improve your health through diet, nutritional therapy offers a personalised approach supported by a committed professional who is interested in you as a unique individual. To learn more you can book a free 15-minute discovery call to discuss your goals and see if nutritional therapy is the right fit for you. You may also enjoy reading a first-hand account of one client's nutritional therapy experience after five years living with Fibromyalgia, a debilitating neurological condition. 

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