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LABtalks: Weekday daytime event
LABtalks: Weekday daytime event

LABtalks: Weekday daytime event

10x 2 hour webinars. Learn how to interpret common laboratory assessments. This course gives up-to-date information to help you make sense of mainstream pathology testing as well as functional testing. Perfect for new practitioners, students and practitioners wanting to keep up-to-date.

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Time & Location

27 Apr 2021, 10:00 – 22 Jun 2021, 10:00

Online Webinar: Zoom

About the course

This course, aimed at Nutritional Therapists and other healthcare practitioners, will be looking at nutrition-focused laboratory assessments tools: When and why to order, how to interpret them, what the latest evidence suggests should be an ideal reference range for optimised interpretation and how to choose the right test - and testing provider.

New practitioners and final year students of nutrition will find this especially helpful, though the course will also aim to offer a refresh to more experienced practitioners and to update current evidence around diagnostic tools.

Mainstream pathology testing as well as private and functional testing will be discussed - including a critical look at many tests to help prioritise the tests that offer the best value for money for your patients and give you the most useful tools for clinical practice.

Over 10x 2 hour sessions will provide you up to 20 hours CPD. There is the option to attend in the weekday during the day time or at the weekend.

Full course attendance for 20 hours is £300. It is not possible to purchase individual dates as standalone events.

Non-clinicians may find the course of interest if they have a special interest in healthcare and have some foundations in healthcare pathophysiology already. The course will be aimed at a graduate level so will be more suited to those who already have some biology, biochemistry or pathology background.

Week 1: Intro - choosing and prioritising mainstream testing, appropriate referrals and engagement with GP's and other medical consultants. What is meant by evidence-based interpretation and how does this affect use of private testing?Accreditation of laboratories and selection of companies.

Week 2: Primary assessment of nutritional status and associated states of insufficiency.

Week 3: Endocrine testing - primary hormone profiling for pancreatic, thyroid, prostate and reproductive health.

Week 4: Cardiometabolic risk assessment - anthropometric, blood and urinary testing for diabetes and cardiovascular biomarkers.

Week 5: Digestive health assessment - for bowel, pancreatic, gastric (inc. H.Pylori, pernicious anaemia) and liver health.

Week 6: Musculoskeletal and renal health assessment - including auto-immune considerations.

Week 7: Allergy testing and a critical look at intolerance testing.

Week 8: Comprehensive and specific stool testing options.

Week 9: A critical look at intestinal permeability and testing options, alongside breath testing in digestive health (fructose, lactose, SIBO).

Week 10: Organic acid testing: Uses, limitations, cautions, considerations and interpretation.

These sessions will not be recorded or available as recordings and are subject to copyright. Sharing any resources without explicit written consent will result in a non-refundable barring of access to remaining and future courses.

You are welcome to attend both weekend or weekday dates if you are unable to make a particular date.

The weekend dates for this event are:

Week 1 - Saturday 24th April- 10am -12noon

Week 2 - Saturday 1st May - 10am -12noon

Week 3 - Saturday 8th May - 10am -12noon

Week 4 - Saturday 15th May - 10am -12noon

Week 5 - Saturday 22nd May - 10am -12noon

Week 6 - Saturday 29th May - 10am -12noon

Week 7 - Saturday 5th June - 10am -12noon

Week 8 - Saturday 12th June - 10am -12noon

Week 9 - Saturday 19th June - 10am -12noon

Week 10 - Saturday 26th June - 10am -12noon

The weekday dates for this event are:

Week 1 - Tuesday 27th April- 10am -12noon

Week 2 - Tuesday 4th May - 10am -12noon

Week 3 - Tuesday 11th May - 10am -12noon

Week 4 - Tuesday 18th May - 10am -12noon

Week 5 - Tuesday 25th May - 10am -12noon

Week 6 - Tuesday 1st June - 10am -12noon

Week 7 - Tuesday  8th June - 10am -12noon

Week 8 - Tuesday 15th June - 10am -12noon

Week 9 - Tuesday 22nd June - 10am -12noon

Week 10 - Tuesday 29th June - 10am -12noon


  • LABtalks: Weekday ticket

    This ticket can be used for either the weekend and weekday event and gives you access to all 10 days of the LABtalks course.

    +£7.50 service fee
    Sale ended



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