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Mentoring Assessment

Get a personalised assessment of the support you need to develop your successful nutrition business!

  • 2 hr
  • 300 British pounds
  • Online

Service Description

Establishing and developing a nutrition business is often exciting - and a little daunting. The number of options and opportunities are as endless as your creativity and passion can take you. Like many nutritional therapy practitioners and nutritionists, recently qualified and experienced alike, you might sometimes wonder how best to focus your time and attention, to optimise your business set-up, maintenance or growth. Perhaps you want to feel more confident working with clients, or with clinical problem-solving? Or maybe you're keen to nurture your public speaking and presenting skills? You might even be eager to deepen their knowledge or expertise in areas of clinical nutrition and want to upskill in finding, understanding and critically appraising health research! Whether you need help right from scratch with business and website set-up, or want to hone and focus your "voice" and vision, create a one-year marketing and branding strategy, identifying what your passions, natural motivations and strengths to build on, or want a complete 360-view plan for your professional development, a mentoring assessment is a great way to find out how to get started. You'll complete a detailed pre-consultation assessment form to help you reflect on all areas of your professional practice: knowledge, business, clinical work and take a step back to look at your journey so far in your nutrition career. We will then meet online for 2 hours to explore all of this in more detail and create an action plan for what you need, the timeframe, and the types of support you will benefit from the most. Finally, we will create a bespoke package of support for the months ahead, and agree on a payment plan that works for you.

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